Saturday, September 17, 2016

President Group Co., Ltd

TOEFL Study Tips

First of all TOEFL is possibly one of the easiest exams that you can encounter if you prepare yourself accordingly. It is nothing but stuff that we have done in English hours right from school. All you need is positive thoughts that you can ace it.

As most of you would have already known it has 4 sections :

1. Reading Section
Okay Reading is nothing but your normal Reading comprehension.You’ll have to be very careful in that last question when you’ll have to choose sentences that summarize the passage.That's where most of them go wrong.
You can perfect this only by cultivating the habit of reading. Plus the conjunctions and logical order can help you. (One Tip: Please pick sentences that describe stuff that is given more importance in the passage rather than ones that describe just one point which is not very important.)

2. Listening Section
Listening is a little bit tricky for some who have trouble understanding accents since you’ll have to take notes too. Watch some English movies and always use headphones when you practice at home.
Always make sure you understand what ever you write down since you can answer questions easily without looking at that thick wad of notes and you’ll find often this section proves a little tricky since you might doubt what you heard.In that case go ahead and guess and move on to the next question.

3. Speaking Section
Speaking. Possibly one of the trickiest sections, 6 questions that test probably a lot of your skills like : reasoning,quick thinking,summarizing,communication,comprehensive speaking ability etc,notes taking and inferring from them etc.
Please make sure you speak to all your friends or family only in English at least a week before your exam. Also start thinking of your answers in English rather than thinking of them in some language and translating when speaking. Please don’t put on a fake accent.Speak clearly whatever you know and correctly.

4. Writing Section
Writing is quite simple.You should be done with it quite easily if you have prepared for the AWA (Analytical Writing Assessment) section.

More resources, see Library.

President Group Co., Ltd

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