Sunday, September 18, 2016

President Group Co., Ltd

Common scholarship questions and tips how to answer it

The beloved five questions are most of questions you might see while trying to apply for a scholarship. 

Question 1: Introduce yourself.
Usually, interviewers know nothing, or very little about you. They just see your scholarship application. When introducing yourself in the interview, you should mention two things: 1. How much your dream to study at this college is coming true. 2. Gently describe your not so good financial situation, giving facts. Facts are the numbers and the statements. Do not play too much with emotions at this point.

Question 2: Why have you decided for this school? Why have you chosen the subject of your study?
The key is to answer this question with enthusiasm in your voice, speaking about future plans, and what you want to do once you finish your school. You should be future oriented in your answers. Interviewers will see that you really are serious about your career and judge that you probably deserve to be supported.

Questions 3. How are you planning to use your scholarship?
This is a very common question. And you can be well prepared for it. Bring with you a brake down of your monthly costs. How much do you pay for living, transport, food. How much do you prefer to (or need to) invest in books and further education. Simply break it down. You can even leave them the paper. Once they see you really need a scholarship, they will give it to you.

Question 4. What makes you special to receive this scholarship?
If you are in different condition, and are not applying for a form of social scholarship, but for a form of reward scholarship, it is good to brake down to paper again why you deserve to receive the scholarship. In general, answering scholarship interview questions, we advice you to use a paper a lot. School officers just love it. So write down all the great results or what ever is the reason you are applying for a scholarship.

Question 5: Do you plan to do anything for our college?
At the end of the day, everyone watches his own back. School prefers to support someone who can bring something back. If you are a perfect athlete, the answer is easy for you. You just mention where you plan to represent the school and use its name on your jersey.

I hope the tips provided here will go a long way in assisting you give answers to most of these questions.

President Group Co., Ltd

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The only best site providing Scholarship Information in Cambodia. The site offers you updated scholarship information, tip to apply and interview scholarship, and many other useful resources and information related. We work hard to help you to get your dream scholarship.

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